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Select Board Meeting Minutes 6/23/14
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Last Updated: 2014/6/30
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 6/23/14

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Kenn Basler

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Jacob Edelman for the Monterey News, Steve Weisz, Don Torrico, Stanley Ross, Donald Clawson, Melissa Zadarski, Rich Glaser, Larry Klein and Richard Tryon

The board met with Building Commissioner, Donald Torrico to review the following:
Don was asked to come to the Select Board meeting to discuss a request received from the Historical Commission to be included in the permitting process with regards to homes that are on the MACRIS list.  Steve Weisz, Chair of the Historical Commission provided handouts to support the request and research (attached).  Wayne explained that there has been a long time resistance against this type of “interference” when a resident applies for a permit.  Wayne felt that the Board would need more information on how a resident’s property came to be on the MACRIS list and how exactly it affects them.  Don stated that there are enough requirements that he must impose on a resident when applying for a permit that he isn’t comfortable with adding this when there isn’t any legal requirements to do this.  He stated that if the Board decides they want to move forward with this he could ask our permitting software to add a feature that would notify the Historical Commission when one of the properties on the MACRIS list applies for a permit so that the Historical Commission may review the project and make a determination if the project will have an adverse effect on the historical property.  It was noted that when the Zoning Bylaws were presented to the Town back in 1974 there was an overwhelming negative feeling about imposing any further restrictions on a homeowner.  The Board suggested that the Historical Commission should send out a friendly letter to the homeowners on the MACRIS list to let them know that they are on this list, what it means and what kind of assistance the Historical Commission can offer.  The Board suggested that the Historical Commission meet and come up with a sample letter for the Board to review.

On another matter Don stated that he had inquired earlier of the Select Board about the inconsistencies of the monthly paychecks and since the Board addressed this issue he wanted them to be aware that the communication between the Treasurer, Accountant and the Building Commissioner has improved greatly.

He also noted that there has been several enforcement orders issued around town recently.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Melissa Zadarski and Rich Glaser came in with regards to a small shed (8’ x 12’) to store the equipment in that the parents of the little league would like to donate to the Monterey little league and place in the field behind town hall.  Josh Allentuck of the Parks Commission referred Melissa to the Building Inspector and they also met with the Chair of the Conservation Commission to determine which areas would not fall under their jurisdiction.  Don noted that the entire area is in a flood plain and due to the size it is exempt from requiring a permit however it must comply with zoning and setbacks.  The ideal spot is within 100feet of the river and would require filing with the Conservation Commission.  For the time being until the group can file with the Conservation Commission it was suggested to place it temporarily on the ground where it could be easily moved and no earth would be disturbed.  Scott Jenssen offered to fill out and file the paperwork with the Con Comm and the Board will pay for the advertising/filing fee out of Select Board expenses.
2.  Larry Klein came in to inquire about 3 letters he received from the Select Board reappointing him to 3 different positions, 1 of which he wasn’t familiar with.  The Board reminded him that this position (Telecommunications Delegate Alternate) has to do with WiredWest.
3.  The Board discussed the best times to review the applicants that have applied for the Director of Operations position.  A motion was made to appoint the following people to the resume review group: Robert Lazzarini, Chief Backhaus, Michael Banner, Ray Tryon, Roger Tryon and Steven Weisz through July 31st.  This represents all those that showed interest in being a part of the group.  The motion was seconded and discussion ensued.  Richard Tryon stated that he doesn’t feel that the Chief of Police should be included as he was on the first committee and in his opinion didn’t do a very good job.  The Board reviewed Chief Backhaus’ letter of interest and did not agree with Richard’s assessment of the situation.  Richard also felt that the Director of Operations job should be downgraded and some of the responsibilities that are included should become the responsibility of the Select Board seeing as he feels they don’t do anything beyond attend Monday meetings.   Stan noted that he was the Chair of the original committee that chose the current Director and the Chief was a valuable asset to the committee as the Chief has a real involvement with the Highway Department on a daily basis.  The motion passed unanimously.  The members that were appointed will be notified that there will be 2 meetings to review the resumes one at 10am on June 30th and another on July 7th at 10am.
4.  The Finance Committee was asked to come in to discuss the overage with the Treasurer’s salary for FY14.  The history of the $1,000 that the Treasurer’s salary is over by right now was discussed.  The Finance Committee voted and agreed to transfer $1,000 from the reserve fund to the Treasurer’s salary, this request will come from the Accountant at the end of the fiscal year.  This extra $1,000 is only for FY14.
5.  Wayne noted that an email was received by the Treasurer requesting that the Board appoint Pat Mielke as her assistant for another year.  Kenn suggested that if the Board reappoints Pat Mielke it be for a specific amount of time (one month) to close out the books for this year and noted that Bethany has been the Treasurer for almost 2 years now and should be able to handle the position after this.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to send the following letter to Pat and carbon copy the Accountant and Treasurer: This letter is to notify you that the Select Board at the request of the Treasurer has voted to hire you as a temporary consultant to the Treasurer through July 31, 2014 to assist in the closing of the FY14 books.  This position will be paid $25 an hour out of the Temporary Employee Account.  The Select Board would like to emphasize that the Town has not included a budget line item for an Assistant Treasurer or Accountant for FY15.  However the Board recognizes that the Treasurer and Accountant may need assistance from time to time.  Any assistance required beyond the expiration of the above appointment will need to be discussed and approved by the Select Board.  Please feel free to contact us if you wish to discuss this further.
6.  Kenn noted that he spoke with Dustin Collins of Hume and has asked him to set up a time to meet with the Select Board to review what the camp will be doing with regards to their proposed expansion.  The Board hopes that this will begin a working relationship with the camp.
7.  Kenn also has spoken with the Monterey Water Company which needs to find another spot to drill an additional well.  It was suggested that Hume might be able to assist in the matter as their property abuts the water company’s.  There may be some logistical issues but exploring this option may be worth it.
8.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Notice from the SBRSD that on June 12, 2014 the School Committee coted, pursuant to MGL Chapter 71, Section 16(d), to authorize the school treasurer to borrow $150,000 for the purpose of installing a/c on the second floor of the high school.  MGL requires Select Boards to either give their approval or call a town meeting to act upon the request.  A motion was made to accept the SBRSD request to borrow, seconded and unanimously approved.
b.  Minutes summary from 2/10/14 – 4/28/14 regarding the temporary help situation in the Accountant and Treasurer’s offices.
9.  Kenn reported that he has left a message for Julio Rodriguez regarding the Deputy Harbormaster issue that came up at last week’s meeting.
10.  Kenn stated that the Community Center has received a partial grant in the amount of $40,000.  With this in mind Kenn suggested that Stefan Grotz be invited to a future meeting in mid-July to speak about Edith Wilson’s will and the Bally Gally property.
11.  Brendan was asked to give the Board an update on the town financials.  Things are going well; the only issue right now which is preventing reconciling of the books is a software issue that Softright is working on.  Brendan and Bethany will be meeting tomorrow to continue discussions and making corrections.
12.  The Board discussed their approach to the upcoming school meetings to be held with regards to our community schools.
13.  Emily Johnson, Town Clerk came in to inform the Board that there will be some extra money in the Assistant Town Clerk’s line item and she wanted to know if it was ok to hire Sam Backhaus and Brendan Fletcher to come in and help with filing through June 30th.  The Board reviewed what the other part time positions were paid hourly and it was suggested that since this is temporary (one week) that the pay be set at $14/hour for this particular circumstance.  The Board agreed unanimously and agreed that this decision does not set any precedent for any future part time positions.
14.  Executive Secretary’s weekly report was reviewed.
15.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
16.  The following reappointments were made:

Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Employee Compensation Advisory Committee
1 year
Agricultural Commission
1 year
Agricultural Commission
1 year
Agricultural Commission
1 year
It was discussed and agreed to rotate the Finance Committee representation on the ECAC from Dan Moriarty to Donald Clawson and to add Kenn Basler as the Select Board representation.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:50am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Executive Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book